
Le Plessis-Robinson business center

Three business centres designed for company growth offers pleasant surroundings and opportunities for growth to businesses of all sizes with three particularly attractive business centres.

La Boursidière : high-tech atmosphere and tailor-made services.

La Boursidière business centre can be accessed directly from the A86 motorway, with a slip road leading directly to its car park.

This business centre offers 60,000 m2 of high-tech offices and tailor-made services such as security, receptionists, a postal service, catering/brasserie, availability of meeting and conference rooms and gardens. 

Contact : Stargime

Parc Technologique 
18/22, avenue Edouard Herriot
92350 Le Plessis-Robinson
Tel : + 33 (0)1 46 01 52 62 

Noveos south-west Paris business park : natural place for innovation

Set in 64hectares next to the A86 motorway, Noveos - South-West Paris business park is intended particularly for service or processing businesses.

This business centre, one of the closest to Paris, has already convinced Renault, MBDA, Optic 2000, Coca-Cola and British Telecom of its potential.


SAIGI gestionnaire
8, avenue Descartes
92350 Le Plessis-Robinson
Tél :

The technology park : modularity for small and medium sized businesses and industries

Aimed at small and medium-sized businesses and industries, the Technology Park sets itself apart by its modularity.

Businesses can combine their warehouse and office facilities according to their needs. Catering, mail and waste management services are offered. Muruta Electroniques and Veolia Water STI have already chosen the Technology Park.

Contact for businesses :

SEMPRO : +33 (0) 1 41 07 93 39

Les autres sites du Plessis-Robinson

Plan de la ville

Mairie du Plessis-Robinson

3, place de la Mairie
92350 Le Plessis-Robinson
01 46 01 43 21
Les horaires de la Mairie